Friday, 15 August 2014

Wind turbines are the man-made Foehn molesting people downwind with triboelectricity electrosmog

Wind Turbines generate electrosmog like power lines. Power lines generate positive ions smog via corona process, whereby
 wind turbines are generating electrosmog by friction of the air on the blades, triboelectricity.

The electrosmog generated by wind turbines that is molesting peoples downwind has exactly the same physical properties as the electrosmog generated by power lines, and as well exactly the physical electrical properties like Foehn, Chinook and Mistral is transporting downwind.

The ill-effects caused by all of the three electric power technologies is the same as well.

All of the three electric power technologies molest peoples downwind with a mean that is actually natural, namely a surplus of positive ions in the atmosphere.  Life on Earth evolved under a steady bombardment of positive ions delivered by the well known ion migration from the Ionosphere down to Earth.   

life on Earth had never to bother about this natural electrosmog from the ion migration. Life evolved on Earth contact and so, was grounded. This grounding maintained the bioelectric null in the organism that stabilized the bioelectrical life-process.

Man left the physical Contact to Earth, so, his bioelectrical life-process lost stabilization and is therefore, exposed to environmental electricity. Naturally man has to suffer ills for his unnatural move to live well insulated from Earth.

To protect yourself from any ionic electrosmog, be it from the Ionosphere, Power lines, Wind turbines, Foehn, Chinook, Mistral, put yourself back to Earth. 

How can one live in a dwelling with the naked foot on Earth?

To put the foot on Earth is how we evolved. Wild humans still have their foot on Earth and it is a natural must to escape environmental positive ions that bombard us all the time, coming from the positive ion migration from the ionosphere down to Earth. Being molested by natural electrosmog is nature and life on Earth is protected by Earth. Any electron taken out of the human body by natural positive ions is replaced in the speed of light through the feet contacting Earth. However, nature has an other mean to keep life on Earth grounded. Air moisture is natures conductor to keep life grounded, to maintain the bioelectric null unbroken. By 60% air moisture and over no positive ionic electrosmog exists be it outside or in your dwelling.  By such air moisture any emerging positive ion is neutralized in the speed of light. Outside The Earth is providing the electron. Inside in your dwelling any water tap, central heating body and even the earth contact of power points are supplying the needed electrons in the speed of light.

Does that mean that power lines, wind turbines, Foehn, Chinook and Mistral are harmless if the air moisture outside is 60% and over?

Yes absolutely harmless. The positive ions do not exist for long in moist air. As soon they appear they are neutralized in the speed of light. Below 60 % air moister free positive ions start traveling and it is getting worse with decreasing air moisture.  By 10 % air moisture the whole lethal ionic load is driven like smoke of a garden fire into dwelling filling every corner. Again put yourself on Earth. Give yourself the bioelectric null, naturally or artificially.

Bear in mind, by 60% of air humidity no power line, or whatever has impact on your health. Use your brain and create a 60% air humidity climate in your dwelling. If the outside the house air moister is 60% or over there is nothing coming inside, nothing is out there.

Beware of Hocus Pocus they offer on the internet as per example a negative ion generator, a surplus of negative ions is as worse as a surplus of positive ions. Most of the means offered on the internet is "useless junk".  Not an anti-statics cream, or such humbug is helping. A connection to Earth you have go for. Be it an Earth wire, or nature's static electricity dis-charger "air moisture". 

You can not see electrostatic smog but it's actions. Very interesting picture above right, how ionic forces operate. 

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